Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Las Vegas pest control- Welcome to our site serving the entire Las Vegas valley....Henderson, Aliante, North Las Vegas,and Blue Diamond/Southern Highlands. Summerlin Pest Control, is your answer to Las Vegas pest control problems...the insects (ants,roaches,earwigs,spiders,scorpions) bees,wasps,mice,roof rats and Humane Pigeon Control (What is this? Learn more about it below). We use a variety of methods, including the power spray,IPM method and in-wall treatments. We offer quality, friendly, full-service treatments,  and Natural/Organic, Eco-safe products.

We plan to use this site to help you, the customer, understand the particular pest issues that are common to Summerlin and Las Vegas valley residents, their warning signs and effect on your home. Feel free check out our customer ratings and current deals on Kudzu.com.

Call us at 702 354-0661 for more information

The Go to GREEN company!
Natural pest control
Pet,Child, & ECO safe Treatments
Commercial/ Residential
Humane pigeon removal
5-STAR rating
IPM Professionals
Preventative pest control

Call us for for more information regarding our GUARANTEE, IPM methods or for more questions at: (702) 354-0661

Protecting you & your property using nature's insecticide

We are constantly striving to improve our service by using the latest technology available.
We proudly use products from EcoSMART technologies which contain a patented blend of botanic oils that effectively targets a broad spectrum of pest... NOT people or pets.

And remember... There are many company's today that promote Pet,child,eco friendly services,but there is a difference! Please feel free to ask questions about the treatments!

The IPM Professionals

Summerlin Pest Control uses alternative pest management methods that limit the use of toxic substances. We incorporate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as a way to remove such pest as ants,scorpions,spiders,earwigs,mice,rats,and roaches from your home. Working with our customers, our IPM professionals will identify, monitor, and solve the pest problems. Being informed is a great way to protect your family. Check out the latest article at the bottom of this page!

"Pest Control...How it leads to better health"

Illinois Public Act 91-0525 states:

“It is recognized that pests can best be controlled through an integrated pest management program that combines preventive techniques, nonchemical pest control methods, and the appropriate use of pesticides with preference for products that are the least harmful to human health and the environment.”

Environmentally conscious yet safe for your pets and children.

Call us for for more information regarding our GUARANTEE, IPM methods or for more questions at: (702) 354-0661
or email at: Summerlinpestcontrol@cox.net


Learn more about what insects are in our valley!

What to watch out for...

Fact or fiction?

What is humane pigeon control?


Birds settle in areas that suit their needs. Therefore, an effective program of bird control consists of making the designated area as uninviting as possible through CONDITIONING and EXCLUSION. Building codes should be modified if needed to include provisions for bird proofing.Conditioning birds to avoid an area through the use of noises, mirrors, etc., should be done as early as possible to effectively discourage them from settling in. It is important to vary the deterrents so the birds do not get accustomed to them. Don’t feed the birds, and eliminate food and litter from the area.
Open areas, such as vents, lofts or eaves, can be sealed to prevent birds from nesting in the holes. Openings in lofts, church steeples and other enclosed spaces can be screened with one-half inch mesh hardware cloth. Any such exclusion must be done when the birds are not inside.Very simple modifications in a building’s structure can discourage birds from landing or nesting on the building. Steel, wood or stone angles on building ledges and light fixtures prevent pigeons from nesting. Birds can be discouraged from roosting on such flat surfaces by using boards or sheet metal to create a 45° or greater slope. Bird barriers, such as a thin metal coil resembling a “slinky” toy, can be fastened to a building ledge to discourage birds from landing. Birds can be deterred from roosting on railings and pipes by installing Mylar™ tape streamers or a single strand wire barrier two inches above the center of the surface.
Netting can be used to exclude birds from virtually any type of structure, from a house to an office building. To keep birds off window ledges, the netting is anchored to the roof, draped across the front of the structure and then tightly secured to the base and sides of the building. Other deterrents includesoft plastic spikes, flood lamps and special electronic sounds.


Poisoning wildlife is cruel. Avitrol, a commonly used bird poison, causes suffering for up to 15 hours before death. (3) What’s more, humans and other nontarget species can die or become ill from accidental ingestion of or skin exposure to small amounts of bird poison.In 2002, a little boy in Las Vegas brought home a pigeon he’d found who was dying of Avitrol poisoning. Shortly afterward, the family began to show poisoning symptoms, and the boy became very ill. In January 2003, a dog was reported poisoned in Aurora, Colo., after eating one kernel of Avitrol-laced corn. According to New York City’s Avitrol ban, “Avitrol is too deadly and too blunt an instrument to be used in an urban setting.”Poisoning is unlikely to have any lasting effect on the number of pigeons in a given area. Population densities depend on the availability of FOOD, SPACE, and SHELTER. If some pigeons are killed, more will take their place, bringing the flock back to its original size. According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, killing birds can actually create favorable grounds for breeding and can result in an increase in bird populations. Those who have traditionally hired exterminators to poison birds actually save money and frustration by switching to nonlethal methods.

References Urban Wildlife Societywww.urbanwildlifesociety.org People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals757-622-7382, http://www.peta.org/
Humane Society of The United States202-452-1100
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Pest Control: How it leads to better health

Pest Control: How It Leads To Better Health

Yuck! You’ve discovered cockroaches in your kitchen, bedroom, everywhere. But they’ve been around for some 320 million years, so what’s new?What’s new is that recent studies show that the filthy pests can cause the chronic breathing disorder of asthma, especially among youths in America’s inner-city neighborhoods. In other words, they directly affect family, health, and home.That’s because roach feces, saliva, eggs, and outer covering, or cuticles, left behind on surfaces contain substances that are allergenic to humans, especially those with asthma or other respiratory conditions.The health issue was deemed extremely important in consumer focus groups conducted for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), which is interested in learning about perceptions of the pest control industry. They found that consumers like the promise of a “safer, healthier living environment.”It’s not just cockroaches that cause health concerns. Pests of all types can transmit a host of diseases to humans and animals with effects ranging from minor discomfort to death.Diseases spread by pests include bubonic plague, cholera, dengue, dysentery, hantavirus, Lyme disease, malaria, murine typhus, polio, rabies, food poisoning, staph, strep, tapeworms, tuberculosis and typhoid fever. Even the friendly ladybug may not be so harmless after all. In a November 1999 clinical case study, ladybugs were shown to trigger severe asthma attacks in a man whose house became infested with thousands of the reddish orange beetles with black spots. A handful of cases of nasal allergies triggered by ladybugs have been reported. But experts agree about the ancient cockroach. “They aren’t just a social problem, they can also threaten health,” says Richard J. Brenner, known in the field of entomology as “the roach expert.” He works at the Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology in Gainesville, Florida. In all fairness to cockroaches (if that’s possible), only a few of the more than 4,000 species in the world are household pests. The German cockroach – the No. 1 indoor cockroach – and the brown-banded cockroach are the most troublesome species in the United States.“Both species are strictly domestic and are therefore most commonly associated with humans and their structures,” Brenner says.While it’s true that insecticides are used in roach control, the pest management industry is in the forefront of widespread efforts to reduce pesticide use through new technologies, precisely because of health and environmental concerns.The result is called Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a process that goes beyond traditional pest management techniques. Though centuries old, the latest IPM techniques have found broad-based support from the scientific community, government, and the pest management industry.The NPMA has advocated IPM for years through seminars, publications, and by supporting its techniques nationwide. Under the process, an IPM technician conducts thorough inspections of a site, monitoring pests and identifying the conditions contributing to those pests. Only then does the technician take reasonable and effective action – called precision targeting – to control them and to prevent them from returning.“IPM is the springboard of pest management into the new century,” says Mark Lacey, Director of Field Services for the NPMA. “It is the smart way to conduct pest management.” The public’s awareness of health concerns associated with pests was heightened in May, 1997 when the New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that the common cockroach is a major cause of a growing asthma epidemic among inner-city youth and apparently prompts a majority of the most serious cases.Asthma is a serious health concern. Anything from dust to passing clouds to stress can induce the response that constricts the asthmatic’s airways, leaving the victim with a frightening sensation of drowning in air. It is a chronic ailment brought on by a barely understood combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors, including cockroaches.According to the study, asthmatic children “have significantly more days of wheezing, missed school days, and nights with lost sleep, and their parents or other care givers were awakened during the night and changed their daytime plans because of the child’s asthma significantly more frequently.”In another study, the National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases shows that among several allergens common in homes, cockroach allergens cause the most health problems for asthmatic children.And in January, 1998, allergist David Rosenstreich of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and his colleagues reported spending a year studying 1,500 asthmatic children in eight different cities. The result: kids with the worst cases of asthma, who suffered more frequent and acute attacks, were those with the most sensitivity and exposure to cockroaches.“They had three times as many hospitalizations as other asthmatic children,” says Rosenstreich. “They had twice as many emergency visits, missed school more often, and woke up more often.”The study also showed that high exposure to cockroaches also seems to boost a child’s risk of developing asthma in the first place, by creating the allergy that eventually leads to the disorder.The Rosenstreich study concludes that “People should make every effort to clean up their indoor environment and make it allergen-proof, especially the bedroom. That will help kids with asthma, even if it doesn’t cure it. It’s a safe and simple thing to do.”And that’s where a pest management professional enters the picture.“For every bug in your home, there may be hundreds that you can’t see,” says NPMA’s Lacey. “Today’s pest management methods are safe and effective when applied by a qualified professional. And regular use of pest management can guarantee you a safer, healthier living environment. So why take chances with you and your family?”The NPMA focus groups seem to agree. As one participant said, “This is about the health of my family. You can’t put a cost on that.” Article courtesy of pestworld.org